RanDUMB! | Meeeemmmeeeeesss

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Alright. The title says it all. Not gonna say much, let's just get it started! 10 HOWS: • How often do you sleep in a day? 5-6 hours hahahaahhaa. • How old will you be at your next birthday? 15 oh gosh- • How old do you want to be when you get married? Uhm. IDK maybe in my late twenties? Or maybe when I finish my studies, when I have a decent job :0 • How is the weather today? It's hot and hazy, like usual. • How often do you see your best friend? Not usually...Thou, we try to make adjustments ^^ • How did you do in high school? In.....progress as one might say. • How did your night go last night? I did laundry. It was A M A Z I N G. • How are you feeling at this moment? Tired lololol. • How did you celebrate your last birthday? My mom bought me a sweet watch, my dad gave me some stationeries, and we had some pizza that night hehehe. A friend gav...