About Me!

Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
We are here to learn about a loser named Mytella! :T
Sekarang adalah masa untuk belajar tentang seorang spesies yang bernama "Mytella"

30th January
Green, Turquoise, Blue, Yellow, Purple and Pink.

Randumb facts!

I have two girls and two boys in my family (Exclude my parents)

I am a proud Islam! <3

I started drawing when I was three years old. Till' this day, I still draw ;D

I live at an all-girls fully residential school! 

I obsess with artists easily ;D <3

I do lotta drawin sometimes :0000

People make fun about my weight. And my height >:'c

Math stresses me out. Yet at the same time is calms me down...?

I have been single my whole life. *cries at the corner*

I love Harris J <3

That's all folks! :3
Itu sahaja ye rakan-rakan...:3


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