QnA with Mytella!

Hello! And asslammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Alright, so I asked a few people from other social media links to ask me a few questions!
So here it is!

Questions from TheCaptain!
  1. Tips on how to handle distractions?
  2. What are three important things to do so that I can achieve success?
  3. If somehow you got an exchange program to Japan, how will you react?
Wowie, that is a lotta questions! Okay, tips on how to handle distractions huh? It's kinda hard sometimes, because me myself having ADHD, because I get distracted a lot hahaha. But I usually try to remember that I am doing something else, that is MUCH more important. Hahha! 
Success huh? Well, here's the thing I usually think of.
1. Patience
2. Loyalty to Allah SWT
3. Smart work, not hard work B)
Aaand, I suppose I would be a tad b
it surprise? Because I don't know much of Japanese words hahaha

Questions from Melanie!
  1. How to handle stress?
  2. How to become a social butterfly?
  3. Can you help me to avoid from hating someone?
Stress is a really hard thing to cope with, because it happens...A LOT in our daily life. Buut, usually during stress try to talk to a family member, a best friend, or a significant other or even anyone whom you truly love, because it's shown that a person whom you truly love will release different hormones in your body that can relieve stress :D Also, if you want to be like me, I usually just eat x'D nonononono, better with the ones you love...hehhe
Social butterfly, you have to be comfortable with the person you like to talk to! Like, imagine if you saw a person at a competition, and she/he seems like a sweet person, think this. "If I do not initiate a conversation with this person, then there would be a chance of me not seeing this person ever again." And, if you want people to like you, you have to love yourself! because no one can love you more than you! 
Well, I suppose it has to depend on the person themselves! If the person seems trustworthy, then I believe it is not a right way to hate them. If they seem to care about you, always gotcha back, then there's no reason for you to hate them! Buut, if that person is the complete opposite of what I told earlier, then it is best if you move on to somebody else. but do not keep your hatred for too long, Allah SWT doesn't like a person who hates someone who is nice.

Question from Chloe!: Hey Mytella, Chloe here..hehe hehe, tell meh. HOW DO YOU STAY SO FAB?!

My my~ Well, the FABULOUS Mettaton helped me~ Ahuhuhuhuhu ~ 

Questions from Stacy!
  1. How do you feel about Donald Trump? (aka: fartface)
  2. How do you feel about Zigi and Tayvin breaking up?
  3. If you can be a Disney PRINCESS, who would you be?
Welp, Donald IS a fartface, so I guess I agree with ya! x'D
I....don't know who they are x'D But you can tell me who they are!
Hmmm, I know she's not really a Disney Princess, but I will go with Mulan!

Question from SongMina!: What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Or one the latest one you've had?

Hmmm, weirdest one is between me and Andrew...but it is best not to mention that x'D
Sooo, I guess I'll go with the latest one! (Did you know that we all actually get 7-8 dreams every day? also, people who wake up for the first 5 minutes will forget 50% of their dreams, and the first 10 minutes after your slumber, you will forget your dream entirely?)
I recently had a dream about me with my friends, Violane, Chloe, Erin and Stacy. We were all young adults, having a home together, and we made YouTube vids! Afterwards it escalated into me riding a unicorn...lol (Another fact! When you have a dream and you see a person you do not think you have ever seen before, you actually have! Because the brain is not smart enough to invent a new face, so it takes other people's faces as "inspirations" And those faces are the faces that you have ever seen in real life!)

Ahhh! I suppose that is it!
Thank you for those questions dear friends!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!


  1. Wahhhh, okay. Thank you, Mytella! I'll try to live, InshaAllah... <3

    1. Ahhh, Alhamdulillah! :3
      I'm glad my tips would help ya out! ;3

  2. I have like, the dumbest questions


    1. No porbs gurl!
      Oh! I see!

      Well, I think of Taylor's new break-up song ahhaa
      Annd, Zayn's break-up...idk lol

  4. I know it's late but... thank you for answering my questions! It's quite helpful😂😁

    1. No worries!
      And of course! I enjoyed answering them! :D
      Hahaha! I'm glad that I get to assist you! ^w^


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