Facts ~ | Melanie Martinez

Hello! And asslammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualikum...
Alright, so currently, I am obsessed with Melanie Martinez's songs UuU <3
I just adore her album "Cry Baby" <3
I recommend you guys to hear it!
Buut, a bit of warning! It's Explicit Content!
Anyway, let's get started!


  1. Melanie's full name is "Melanie Adele Martinez"
  2. She was born on the 28th of April, 1995 in Baldwin, New York.
  3. She auditioned for "The Voice: Season 3" and joined Team Adam. She was only 16 when she auditioned!
  4. She cannot paint nails. But she is amazing with hair and make-up
  5. Her song, "Carousel" appeared on the trailer for the television series "American Horror Story: Freak Show".
  6. Her inspiration for her multicolour hair was inspired by Cruella De Vil from One Hundred and One Dalmations.
  7. Even at the age of 21, she still has two baby teeth! Wowie...I lost all my baby teeth.. :c
  8. She's Puerto Rican and Dominican, but she doesn't even know how to speak Spanish
  9. She secretly wishes that she was a tattoo artist
  10. She released her debut single, "Dollhouse" on April 22, 2014 with a music video which currently has over 45 million views as of May 2016. Whoaaaa
  11. She collect stuffed animals. Ohohohooo, not just any stuffed animals, but the ones from the 50's and 60's.
  12. She doesn't own any jeans :c
  13. "Cry Baby" is an alternative version of herself
  14. She's clumsy! She even confessed that she at least trips and fall at least 8 times a day.
  15. She was inspired to start singing because of her Grandmother
  16. She has confessed to eat 5 chocolate chip cookies a day. Wowie that's delicious
  17. Melanie has stitches on both her hand and chin
  18. She doesn't like wearing jewelry
  19. Her favourite tattoo is the bunny on her forearm, which was an ode to one that was decapitated when she was younger.. omg.
  20. She performs anything without shoes on. Even if she does wear them, she doesn't tie her shoes
  21. She hates vegetables
  22. She is IN LOVE with Tim Burton's movies, and;
  23. Her biggest dreams are to work with Tim Burton someday. I wish the same Melanie UuU

Alright! That's all!
I hope you guys learned some things about Melanie!
Again, she is seriously amazing.
See you guys for the next blog!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!


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