Storytime! ~ | Chloe and Stacy

Hello! And asslammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Alright, so last time, I did a blog about "Andrew", correct?
Welp, today's going to be BOTH about my best friends, Chloe and Stacy!
These two are the absolute best, and I'm here to tell you why UuU <3
Hopefully you all will enjoy it! <3


I met Chloe in the mid-year of 2013 after me asking her about a rumor between her and Kim. We didn't became best friends, but we were friends. I wasn't very close with Chloe in the past because there used to be a rivalry between her and Violane. Violane didn't like me hanging out with her, so I remember us sending hate-letters to Chloe. But then, during the end of the day (we had co-curricular activities) she sent us back the note. Violane's letter was all mean and cruddy, but my letter said;

"Hey Sarah! Sorry, I didn't know that I made you feel that way. I promise not to do those things anymore, I hope that we can still be friends.                                                  -Chloe"

I was honestly very touched on what she has written to me. I knew that I never meant to make a fight between her, but Violane really hated her back then, and I did try to hate her back, but after Chloe writing me that letter, I was just, I cannot hate this person. But I did pretend to hate her, and Violane kinda knew? IDK (Sorry Violane if you're reading this...)  But then, a year later, I met Erin, and apparently, Erin and Chloe have been friends since kindergarden! Soo, there's no way that she hates Chloe. Me and Erin have made up a plan to make Violane and Chloe become friend again!
Thou, everythin just became a tad bit awkward for both, but Alhamdulillah, they became friends again! I honestly thought that these two will never become friends again ;w; But Alhamdullilah, I suppose Allah has his ways UuU <3

Last year is when me and Chloe got closer. We eventually got the same classes during the mid-year of 2015. and eventually, we basically went anywhere together! hahaha! We got excellent marks for the important test last year, and we went to the same school! She apparently got the Dual-language program class, and I got a normal class hahahhaa. Every time we reach to school, her class' line is legit beside mine. So everytime the teacher is talking at the front, we would always do drawing battles on either of our books.(Yes, I know. We suck. x'D)

A week before I moved to my new boarding school, Chloe bought me a happy-belated-birthday-gift and it was AMAZING. She bought me a whole box filled with notebooks, pens, sticky notes and paper clips that we CAT BASED. (Okay, something about me, I LOVE CATS. AND WHEN YOU BUY ME SOMETHING BASED OF A CAT, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER <3) And Chloe even wrote me a poem, it was so sweet ;; (I still keep it until this very day <3) I loved her so soo much, that I actually cried <3

Chloe is honestly the sweetest person ever, she has always been there by my side, always been there during my up and down moments <3 Now, she is currently schooling at a school that I originally wanted..;; But I support her! (Not only that, but shes the same school with Andrew now hahaha) I honestly can never want to replace her with anyone <3 And I can't even remember the moments of our bad times, just great amazing memories that I don't ever want to forget in a million years <3 Love you Chloe <3 You'll forever be my best friend <3


chocolate syrup cream pancakes by HannahSuTaylor Alright, so the first time I met Stacy was the year 2011. We had an assembly and I was being such a douchebag and bragged about my English marks. (I only got like, 90%) I bragged it to my friend who was also Stacy's friend. And Stacy asked me to check it out, and I gave her a flat out no. (Wow, what a jerky move Sarah -_-#) I knew that her marks were higher than me, so I guess I was a bit embarrassed that her marks were better I suppose x'D

chocolate syrup cream pancakes by HannahSuTaylorTheeen on the year 2013, we met again. I was recessing with Kim and Violane when Stacy wanted to sit along, and ever since then, we got closer! She reminded me about the thing that happened between us in the past, and omg I felt horrible x'D I'm just a bit surprised on how she's not mad at me, or like, her planning an evil plan on how to take me down. She just forgave me. I have never met anyone so nice before.

chocolate syrup cream pancakes by HannahSuTaylorWe eventually then got even more close last year, because during the first, her class was legit beside me. (I was 1C, and she was 2C) and then we moved to 10C! <3 I would always call her da science-gal. (BECAUSE EVERY SINGLE TEST, HER SCIENCE IS ALWAYS 90% AND ABOVE.) And I was glad to have a friend like her! She was amazingly smart and she would help me out with my tests! Hehehee. Well, not tests, I mean excercises whenever I do not understand the questions. Especially Math, Bahasa Melayu and Science x'D 

chocolate syrup cream pancakes by HannahSuTaylorBut....during the important test results, she didn't exactly got the same marks as me and the others. I wish I was there to comfort her, but my parents wanted to leave. Of course, I felt horrible for not comforting her. She was such an amazing friend, and I just left. I was a horrible person, but I'm very happy on what she became. She's still the smart, sarcastic funny person I knew before! <3 She finally left the past behind, and she's schooling at one of the best schools in Malaysia <3 

chocolate syrup cream pancakes by HannahSuTaylorThere's one thing that happened recently that showed she true loyalty towards our friendship. I remember a person was asking me why the hell I didn't want to feature the and the rest in my blog, and I honestly did not know what to answer. But then, Stacy came up and told her to back off. She told her that it was my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. I was honestly so flattered. Not many people would usually back out for me. I know that she's not that type of person who would make fun of them behind their backs. I know that. She's always backing me and Violane up. I'm honestly flattered. I love ya Stacy <3 Thanks for not killing me for being such a jerk back in 2011 x'D

Alright! I suppose that's it! 
Stacy and Chloe, I hope this blog showed on how much you two really mean to me <3
I honestly can never ask for anyone else better <3
Goodbye! And asslammualaikum! 



  1. dawww... gurl... the flashbacks are killin' me.
    being in the same school as andrew sucks BTW, he is forever asking me about you.
    be flattered. i know i am when i read this. ;)

    1. I know right? ;;
      He does? hahaha, what a cute loser x'3
      Aww, I'm super glad! <3
      Love ya forever! <3


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