RanDUMB! | Lovestrucked

"H-huh?" I look around, apparently I was at a hospital. "D-dammit. What happened?"  I can't move. "Trust me sir, she will be fine." Voices. Coming out the room. A nurse comes in my room, asking me. "Maam? Do you remember anything? After a while of thinking, I finally gave her a no. She then took some papers and said;

"Vivienne Isobel Stevens. Age 23. You have a fractured arm and leg, a few stitches on your head, and you are suffering from the early stages of leukemia."

I stayed quiet. I questioned her, since when was I suffering from leukemia? She gave me a very confused face. But she went outside, and called out a person to come in. "Izzie?! Are you o-okay?!" I looked at him, he was my best friend as a child, Matthew. I told him I was fine. I can't stop looking at him. His beautiful green eyes, sparkling through my face, his brown shaggy hair. Thou...he is 27 now.. Yes, look at that age gap huh? I asked Matt if he knew about my leukemia, he looked down on the floor, and said;

"No....I didn't know, but I did knew that you were anemic..." I just stared at him, but I wasn't mad. This explains me being so tired all the time, leaving my meals. I was just being an idiot. After a while, Jake came in. "Oh god..." Jaq was only a year older than me, he is a model, and also...my ex. "Mademoiselle, are you alright?" I was hoping that Tobias doesn't come in...but...after a couple of minutes....

"Vivie? Are you alright?" Toby is two years younger than me. You're probably wondering why these boys are all here? Well....I love them all. And I just cannot decide on whom I like yet. They are fighting for me, for 5 months now. They're not giving up on me. Oh god, I just cannot decide,,, I asked them all to leave me alone. After a while, my parents came in, they were crying. "Oh Hannah, if only we told her this sooner..." "I wish that too Zach, I feel like a horrible mother!" I told my mom not to worry. I would be fine.

Couple of weeks later, the doctor told me my leukemia was slowly fading away. Of course I was happy, and he let me go. The doctor told me that he's still trying to find a perfect donor for my bone marrow, he said the most perfect one is from a sibling, The only problem was...I had no siblings. I went back home and I got a text from a friend of mine, Zoe. She told me that she was getting married to Felix. Yes, I was happy for her.

She had invited me to go to a bachelorette party. I told her yes, because she will get married a few days afterwards. I asked her whether I should wear my bridesmaid outfit, and she told me to just wear a simple gown, and so I did. There were Zoe, Lauren and Lillith. Jaq's sisters.

I didn't do much there, I was feeling a bit awkward with all the male shirtless waiters...yikes. After the party, Zoe passed out after too many drinks, Both Lauren and Lillith were making out with the shirtless waiters. I was at the balcony, thinking about whom I should choose.

During Zoe's wedding, I saw those three. Jaq, Matt and Toby. I knew that I had a choice to do. I've had enough. I had to choose. But. I ran away. With me heels and dress on. To the nearest beach. I feel like I have made my decision. It's...


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