Tip La Tips~ | How To Know If a Boy Likes You

Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
I may be in an all-girls-school, but before I moved there, I had soooo many guys friends, and I can tell if they really like a girl or not, and me being their wingman, *smirks*, I help them out with the ladies that they are aftering hohohoho
And ladiess, since I'm always constantly asked if I have a boyfriend or not, and if I can tell them if a boy likes them, I have the answers for ya!
(And no...I don't have a boyfriend...)
Anyway, hope it helps!

How To Know If A Boy Likes You

    Specific questions that is. If he's always asking you about how to do this in a test, school stuff, all that, just NOOOOooooooO. He'll start to ask questions like, "When is your birthday?" or "What makes you happy?" or "DO YOU LOVE ME?!?!?!!" Oops. The last one is what they ask in their hearts ;D
  2. He smiles. A LOT.
    He's just gonna come up to you, and he's just gonna smile. ESPECIALLY, when he is a type of person who doesn't smile in general. If he goes up to you, and the whole time with you, he's just smilin', no frownin' or sad-grumpy-cat face, just grinning, you have a chance buddy ;3
  3. Jealous much?
    Has it ever happen to you? Whenever you're just talking to a boy, suddenly he's there leaning by the wall, just giving that "I'm going to murder that dude" face? Welp! He's is OBVIOUSLY LIKING YOU! And when you talk to him again, he's just going to tell you that he has a bad feeling of that guy and such, and he's gonna track down little clues about his evil-self, or also known as an excuse to be with you hehehee
    Example, you guys are both in a group best friends, and you are planning to have a hangout with some of them, he is going to find an excuse just to come and hang with you. Imagine if he had a wedding, but then he found out that you have a birthday party back your home, he WILL find an excuse to leave the wedding and celebrate your birthday. I know, sweet guy.
  5. He'll remember little information about you.
    He would not forget. Trust me. Most guys would just forget little information about you, but if he really likes you, forgetting doesn't exist to me. He'll remember your favourite colour, food, song, drinks and such, your birthday, your full name etc.! He knows how important rhose things are to him, and wowie, you have such a chance there buddy!
  6. Compliments. Or teasing really
    Yep. Most guys don't compliment girls, but if he has called you "Cute", "Beautiful", "Amazing" and such, you have such a chance there! Ooorr another one is maybe he would tease you a lot! Like making fun of you when you're fangirling, that's another chance!
  7. Body Language
    If you are are just eating with a group of friends, he's always sittin' beside you, and always touchin' you, he likes you. Ooooorr! He's leaning closer than how a usual boy would! Like imagine you were talking to him, and you hear him perfectly fine, but he just leans in closer? DING DING DING!!! He likes you! 
  8. Wait what? He talked about me?
    Ooohhh boy. This is called the "OH NO SHE KNOWS THAT I LIKE YOU" point. He would always talk about you to his friends, and even your friends! He would always talk about how amazing you are, Or maybe he would ask your friends or his friends personal information bout ya! Well, in this case, he'll most probably ask your best friends.
  9. He gets nervous.
    Come on, who isn't nervous to each other? Especially when you like that person. You would be talking to a person and notice him from afar, and you say hi. He's gonna stutter and he would seem so happy, but just nervous. And when you have a conversation with him, and there's that awkward moment of silence, and his face seemed like a "OMG WHAT SHOULD I SAY NEXT" face, happy-go-lucky you he likes ya!
  10. Do you have a boyfriend?
    Some boys caan be straight-forward, but some won't be. If they see a photo of you with another dude, he'll suddenly be like "Oohhhhh, I  didn't know you have a boyfriend!" ooor! You just finished a conversation with a boy, he'll come up to you and say "You guys are just so cute together." They all just mean "IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND?". He would love to find if you're single or nah so that he may have a chance with you~
  11. Can I have your phone number?
    A boy asking you your phone number = I love you.
    It's just so obvious duude! He wants to find an excuse to keep in contact with ya! But sometimes, he won;t ask you, he would ask other people for your phone number, and sometimes he would be honest on where he got your phone number sometimes! TBH, I have asked a girl who is a close friend of my crush once, and I told him that I stalked him from afar x'D Of course, it was just a joke, and yeaa. I told him the truth lol.
  12. He gives you nicknames
    Instead of your actual name, he'll give a short way or a completely different name for you. or, maybe he doesn't. Because some boys just like your name that he just loves saying your name and doesn't like the ideas of nicknames (AWWW)
  13. He would always try to help you out
    Test him out. Try if you have like a stack of books that you are carrying, then suddenly, your guy friend came by, does he:
    A. Offer to help you out, or;
    B. Just pass by
    If you get A, he likes you. If you get B, I am so sorry UnU.
  14. Comforting is nice.
    You're dramatically looking outside the window while it rains, crying, then he hugs you from behind telling you, "It's alright. I'm here for you".
    For reals thou, if you're in a really crappy mood, he'll suddenly pop outta no-where and tries his best to make you feel better about yourself. Sweet guy.
  15. "I like you."
    He tells those three words. I. Like. You.
Alright! I guess that's all! 
I didn't get the source anywhere, because this is real-life-experiences that I have experienced for a few years now. 
Hopefully now you know how to make a move!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum! <3


  1. OOOOOOOO!! Why all of this facts ARE SO RELATED TO NUQMAN???? OH SNAP!!! X'D



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