Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
So, yesterday (28th May 2016), Me, Andrew, Melanie were at Aynina's home to celebrate her birthday!
Today, I'm here to tell you guys what exciting activities that we have done!

So, on the 28th of May 2016 (Saturday), I was invited to celebrate Aynina's birthday at her home, along with Andrew and Melanie. I was extremely hyped the day before it, because I just got back from my boarding school, and suddenly, the day after that, an amazing day at her home! I got there half an hour late, but Andrew was late by and hour and a half >:C I think Melanie came at the right time O.O Anyway, while we were waiting for Andrew to appear, I gave Aynina her birthday present. (I bought her a sketchbook, cuz DAMN. HER ART IS AMAZING.)

When Andrew did came, we had our prayers and we had the spaghetti that Aynina's mom made us, and afterwards, Andrew eyes were sticking to Melanie's phone playing Minecraft....-_-# But we managed to make him stare away, and we did a video for Melanie's YouTube channel! (Goodluck finding it.) We did a first impression to an anime that Aynina really likes and asked both me and Andrew what we thought about it. I did horribly ahahahaaa, but Andrew did amazingly :C

Afterwards, we did the Try-Not-To-Be-Scared challenge. Me and Melanie won, (with so much swag B) ) We made both Aynina and Andrew to do the chicken dance...ON CAMERA x'DDDD YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THEIR FACES x'DDDDDDDDDD *ehem.* Anyways, after that, we had to do a Try-Not-To-Laugh challenge. Me, Andrew and Aynina all lost....at the first round x'D Melanie has a heart of steel :^( So, the punishment was we have to tell embarrassing stories about ourselves. I'll just tell my story, because ehhh, Aynina's and Andrew's part is just too embarrassing. Just tryna' take care of their reputation, ya know? Anyway, there was once that I was travelling and I was about to go to the girls bathroom when suddenly, the person who worked there was like "HEYYYY WTF ARE YOU DOING?! MEN'S BATHROOM'S OVER THEREEEEEE" He freaking screamed at me, like I was some pervert who wanted to to stalk dem ladies at the bathroom. Then I told him "BRO! I AM A GODDAMN LADY" (Thou, it was kinda my fault because I had a boy-cut, and I was wearing my brother's hand-outs.)

Theeeen.....Melanie told me something....uhm...scary. So apparently, Andrew didn't came because of Aynina's birthday, he came because I was coming, and Melanie convinced him by
CENSORED (Sorry, but this has got to be censored.) Then, they're afraid if I go "Yandere" on them (FYI, Yandere is an opposite of a Tsundere, it's becoming really violent or psychotic towards the person she likes, and would basically murder your goddamn ass if you like the same person a yandere loves) But, no I didn't, but both Andrew and Aynina ran upstairs, afraid, leaving both me and Melanie. (That's all I leave. I didn't murder Melanie, things worked out between me and Andrew, Aynina's not afraid of me anymore [lol] and everything became normal again.)

But then, Melanie had to leave back home. It was just me, Andrew and Aynina. We didn't do much, we just chilled at Aynina's room and Skyped with Melanie for a bit. She's still editin' the video, and of course, I AM EXCITED TO CHECK IT OUT!! *SQUEALS* Then, we all finaly went back home....then I had a wedding to attend...ahahahaaaa Overall, I just had such an amazing day yesterday <3
Alright! That's my experience with Aynina, Melanie and Andrew yesterday!
Again, I am just so excited to see the video!
New blogs to come!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum! <3
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