RanDUMB! | TMI Tag

Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Okay, here's a tag that one of my friends tagged me a LONG TIME AGOOOOoooooo.
IDK hahahahaa, anyway, let's just get to it!

What are you wearing? 
-A nice orange T-Shirt from CATO Girls, sweat pants and socks

Ever been in love?

Ever had a terrible breakup?
 - Nahhhh

How tall are you? 
- 5 feet. (I know, I'm short.)

How much do you weigh? 
- IDK, but just assume a fat overweight girl *Cries*

Any tattoos? 
- Nope

Any piercings? -

-Kuroken, Stevonnie, NARUHINA *SCREECHES*

Favourite shows? 
-Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, Grey's Anatomy, Three's Company, F.R.I.E.N.D.S and much muuch more

Favourite bands? 
- I don't have one...hahahaaa

Something you miss? 
- Life

Favourite song(s)?
 - A LOT! :0

How old are you? 
- Assume I'm a student ;3

Zodiac sign? 
- Aquarius!

Quality you look for in a partner? 
- Sweet, nerdy, adorkable...<3

Favorite Quote? 
-Friends are like potato, you eat them...AN THEY DIE BUAHAHAHAA - Jodie.

Favorite actor? 
- I don't have a specific actor ^^;

Favorite color? 
- Green, Blue, Orange, Pink, Yellow, Lilac, nice floral pastel colours I suppose!

Loud music or soft? 
- Depends on my emotions

Where do you go when you’re sad? 
- Kitchen.

How long does it take you to shower? 
- 5-10 minutes (?)

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
-15 minutes.

Ever been in a physical fight? 
- No

Turn on? 
- Sweethearts!

Turn off? 

The reason I joined Blogger? 
-I just enjoy writing! ^^ 

- SMALL HOLES. Allah SWT, Thunder

Last thing that made you cry? 
- I don't know. I would usually cry for no reason.

Last time you said you loved someone? 
- My Ibu. (My mother...hehe)

Meaning behind your Blogger Name? 
- It's me! Just a simple little dimple! Just one dimple, because I really do only have one dimple! x'D

Last book you read? 
- Hardy Boys: Running On Fumes

The book you’re currently reading?
- Girl Online: On Tour by Zoella

Last show you watched? 

Last person you talked to? 
- My mother

The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
- My friend! (Melanie)

Favorite food? 
- Mom's cooking!

Place you want to visit? 
- Paris, Japan and Makkah! <3

Last place you were? 
- My bed lol

Do you have a crush? 

Last time you kissed someone? 
- No one hahahaaa

Last time you were insulted? 
- Just now, by my brother x'D

Favorite flavor of sweet? 
- Anythin' minty!

What instruments do you play? 
- Just the recorder hahahaaa

Favorite piece of jewelery? 
- I'll go with rings and bracelets! :0

Last sport you played? 
- Badmintonn

Last song you sang? 
- Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez         
Favorite pick up line? 
-Are you 911? 'Cuz come and rescue me X'DD

Have you ever used it? 
-No. X'DDD

Last time you hung out with anyone? 
- Last Satuday! With Aynina, Melanie and Andrew!

Who should answer these questions next? 
- Melanie and Aynina!

Alright! That's it!
Hopefully you get to learn somethin' bout me!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum! <3


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