Short Story! | The Misadventures Of Mike And Amir!

Hello! And asslammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Alright, so me and Chloe introduced each other to our gender swap selves, and I decided to write a short little story about these two!
Hope you enjoy! 



"Hey Chloe? Why do you think these boys always want to ask us out?" Asked Sarah. Both me and Sarah had been friends for a very long time, seemed like forever. We have been searchin for adventure ever since we can remember. "I wish I knew, they're not even I was hoping that Finn asks me out, to be honest" Sarah lets out a little giggle, she knows that I have a MASSIVE crush on Finn, who doesn't live too far from us.

Suddenly, after a while.....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! A loud crash coming close to our home! "OH MY GLOB! What the flipping swords was that?!" We both ran towards the direction of the crashing sound, and we saw....a crystal? It was shiny, very shiny. "Should something with it?" As we were about take it, it suddenly transformed into a portal! Oh my glob. And me, being the smart (and badass) one said "WE SHOULD TOTALLY GO IN IT!!" Sarah smacked me on the back and said; "ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT IF IT'S A TRAP?! WE MIGHT DIE! OH MY GOD!" I love Sarah, but she can be very over-protective sometimes. I told her to relax, and I took both of our weapons and stuffed it in the bag Finn gave me. I took my trusty sword and I took Sarah's dagger, and held her hand and we both were inside the portal!

We both were face-planted on the grass. I looked around, and saw..our home? "Awwww man! We've been fool-" Before I continued speaking, I a..........guy? And when I looked at Sarah, she had shorter hair, she had a jacket on, and she...WAS A GUY TOO?!

Oh my glob. What the flipping heck is happening?! Did we...SWITCHED GENDERS?! "S-Sarah! WAKE UP!! DUDE SOMETHING IS WRONG! TERRIBLY WRONG!" Sarah looked at me with a very confused face. "CHLOE?? OH MY GOD YOU'RE A BOY!" She held her throat with a surprised looking face "I'M A BOY?!?!?!?!" Like, were absolutely confused on why were we suddenly boys, but then....we saw the crystal again. "Dude." Sarah said, holding the crystal in her.....err.....I mean his hands. "It's the crystal. Look at it." I leaned closer to her, apparently the crystal had a few words on it. "You have been transported to another dimension where you have been genderswapped." "No kidding." Sarah interrupted. "We have chosen two heroes, which are you two, and your task is to stop The Lich from destroying the AU of Ooo." 


Alright, so for some reason, the person who sent us those crystals has chosen our names. I would be 'Amir" and Chloe would be "Mike". "I wonder why The Lich is trying to stop this univer-" Before I can even continue, a loud scream comes nearby screaming....Mike...?

It was Finn! But....he is a girl...? Finn came closer with Jake! Oh god, I am super confused. They introduced themselves as Fionna The Human and Cake The Cat. Seems like Fionna really likes Chl- err...I mean, Mike. She blushing standing beside him, but I guess Mike is not into it, since, he IS a girl stuck in a dude's body who likes their alternative version. Fionna was wondering if we both would join her to a Dungeon adventure. Chloe almost said yes, because she REALLY loves Dungeon Adventuring, but instead, I interrupted by saying "Sorry Fionna, we have something else to attend too." 

We both said our goodbyes to both Fionna and Cake, and we continued to search for The Lich. We decided to walk to the Candy Kingdom and find the male version of Princess Bubblegum we supposed. When we walked into the Candy Kingdom, everyone were switched genders, Cinnamon Bun, Starchy, and even Tree Trunks! We walked towards Princess Bubblegum's castle and found her male version, Prince Gumball. "Oh! Hello there Mike and Amir, what can I help you two with?" "Well, Gumball, we are in the need to stop The Lich, and we figur-" Before Chloe managed to finish his sentence, Gumball covers his mouth and told us to follow him,

He told Peppermint Butler to make sure no one sees them going to...where ever we are going... Gumball leads us to the main room of the castle, and pulled down one of his books at the bookshelf against the wall, and at the corner of the rooms opens up stairs that leads downstairs. We both just followed him, and it seems like it was his lab, looks like the one Princess Bubblegum has. "Look you two, I told you that there was nothing to be worried about. I have capture him, see?" There he was. The Lich. Thou...It didn't seem right. Bubba was not THAT stupid to just chain him, He just just teleport away to another body.

"Uhhm, Hey Gumball, do you mind if I steal Mike for a bit?" I took Chloe's hand and shove both of us away from Gumball. "Dude, I think Gummy-butt is lying." Chloe looked at me confused, she showed me that he was technically already "captured". I asked her why would the person sending us the crystal wanted us to stop The Lich here for. She started thinking bout it for a while...but answered back saying "Maybe they're outdated?" Dammit. I thought my question was legit.


Alright, so based on what Sarah said, maybe there is something odd about this. I mean, seriously. Gumbutt is not that dumb to just let that thing be chained. He would stuff it in a glass container filled with that weird liquid of Science thing. When Gumbutt left, me and Sarah decided to got closer to The Lich and me being the smart one here, decided to touch it. It....was a hologram..?!?! "Oooookkaaaaaaaaayyyyy.........Now this is weird. If this isn't The Lich, that means that......!!!!"

Before I can finish that sentence, Gumball bursts into the room. "I see. You must be thinking maybe that I WAS THE LICH NOW DIDN'T YOU?!" OH. MY. FLIPPIN. GLOB. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! IT WAS GUMMY-BUTT ALL ALONG! He turned into a giant mutant!

Sarah quickly took her dagger while I took my sword. At the same time, we both said: "Let's kick some Lich's butt." Sarah quickly started off into battle by jumping onto The Lich and stabbing it, and quickly, I sliced off it's legs. It let's out a loud roar and I quickly took one of Gumbutt's experiment that wrote "Danger" on it and splashed it onto The Lich. It quickly melted off The Lich into a legit liquid.

"Wait." As I was celebrating on how happy I was that we both basically destroyed The Lich, Sarah suddenly interrupted. "If this was The Lich possessing Gumball, what's gonna happen to Gumball?" We both suddenly freaked out and noticed a few gummy pieces of Gumball. We quickly took the remaining pieces and brought it to Prince Doctor.

After a while of waiting along with the rest of the Candy Citizens, Prince Doctor finally came out of the room, and said, "I'm so glad that you two saved the pieces of Prince Gumball, luckily we managed to fix him up into one once again. Great job you two." We both were allowed to go inside the room, and we saw a whole new Gumball! "Oh my god Gumball! You look like a new yo-" Before Sarah can even finish her sentence, Gumball ran up to her and basically glomped her. (Glomp basically means an attack hug) "Thank you so soo much for saving me Amir!" He stopped hugging Amir and looked at me. "You too Mike." "It was no pleasure Gumbutt. Errr, I mean, Prince Gumball." He let's out a small chuckle.

"You mean Bubba?" We were suddenly interrupted by a voice from behind. As I look behind, it was Marceline's boy self! It was Marshal Lee! "Gumbutt is not that bad either actually." It seemed like Sarah has a crush on him. Sadly for her, she is a boy right now golly. "Nice job Mike, Amir! You guys did great saving this nerd." He said while noogie-ing my head. Gumball seemed to blush a bit after him calling him a nerd.


"That was definitely something, huh Chloe?" I said, after a few hours of us being back at our dimension. "Gotta say thou, Fionna was kinda hot lol." Pfft, that loser. I know she still likes Finn.

Speaaking of him... He suddenly appears to our home with Jake, Chloe jumped off away from her position, running to him and gave that dude a hugged. Finn blushed a bit wow! We invited those two in our home and we told him our adventure today.


Alright! So that is it!
Wowie, I haven't written a story in a while hahahaaa
Anyways, I know that I may have a lot of Grammar error hahaha
But feel free to correct me, and also, PLEASE tell me what you think about it!

Thank you! And assalammualaikum!



    lol poor fionna... she has no idea.


      Lol, ikrr hahahaaa


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