Storytime! ~ | Public Speaking Competition!

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Gooooooossshhh....It's been forever since I wrote a blog D: Buuut, heck! I'm here to write my experience about a competition I had attended a few weeks ago, enjoy! (Divider by BEAPANDA ) (Icon by Night-hearted ) So, on the 7th of March 2018 (Wednesday), I was chosen to represent the school in an international public speaking competition located at a University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I was participating, but K. Emily and Ayla came along to support me :D I can't say on how nervous I was because, me being a girl with social anxiety doesn't really help aahahahaa- But, the reason the teacher chose me to participate is because she knows that I can speak really well and she believe I had the potential to win. I was really worried because that competition was on an exam date (Luckily I only missed Math muahahaha) and I have the potential to (literally) faint when I become too nervous. (Ico...