
Showing posts from 2016

Storytime! ~ | Going to Stacy's Home!

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum.... So, today, I was invited to go to Stacy's home to just, do some Stacy invited our best buds, Violane, Chloe and Jo. It was a bit sad that Erin couldn't join along, because she was at her hometown, and school was comin' up and all. And I'm just home writing this blog while listening to History Maker by Dean Fujioka . (BTW, this is the opening for the anime Yuri!!! On ICE.) Anyway, hope ya'lls enjoy it! ^^  (Divider by  ToxiceStea ) Stacy: Hello Me:  Wowie, you still save my phone number? :0 Stacy: Yea, I haven't changed my phone, so contacts are still the same. Stacy: Anyway, did you go anywhere for the holidays? Me:  Nah, my parents got work. Stacy:  Wanna go anywhere with meeee? Me:  Sure! Sounds fun!  Whom else are joining? Stacy: Idk, I just asked randomly Me: Lolololol (Icon by  Voc...

Storytime! ~ | An amazing day with Chloe

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Alrighty then! Well, today was an amazing day! Why? Because, after MONTHS of planning, I finally managed to hang out with my best friend forever....wait for it......plaaay the drum roll! ............................................... Chloe!~ As you guys know, I have mentioned Chloe a lot in this blog, and well, I am going too again! lololol Anyways, enjoy this blog! (Divider by  Picandou ) (Icon by  jump2537 ) Alright, so around 12:00 p.m yesterday (22nd December 2016), I went to this mall with my mother, my bro, James and Kenzie. My father and my brother, Derek had to leave for work, so they couldn't attend with us. As we arrived there, we had some brunch first and I had some sizzling yee mee with white sauce and chicken, mmmm <3 Anyway, we continued on to a store to buy a gift for Chloe's mom, Chloe herself and her lil' sister, Hermione. I knew that Chloe loves drawing, so I decide...

Storytime! ~ | A Class Celebration!

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Jadi! Hari ni-  Whoa hold on. This blog was supposed to be in English! D:< T-tapi... NO BUTS D:< THE TITLE IS IN ENGLISH!! ....Okeylah. Buatlah dalam Bahasa Inggeris T-T  Thank you! Anyways! I'm done fighting with myself! I just wanted to talk bout' a celebration me and my classmates last month! Hope you guys enjoy! Alright, so on the 23rd of November (Wednesday), my classmates had the opportunity (and permission from the headmistress) to go to an all-you-can-eat steamboat restaurant! We all each paid RM30 and another RM25 for class T-Shirts! x'D I swear, I hated the T-shirt lolololol Why? Because first, they never allowed me to agree with the T-shirt design, and second, IT WAS PINK!! D:< Now I know what you're gonna say, "But Ainaaaaaa, your blog has the colour pink, and your laptop is pink, an-" Nooooo plis. I just do not like the fact of me wearing anything that is ...

Storytime! ~ | Hangin' Out With Aynina and Jodie

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Alrighty buds! I swear to blobs, I am trying my best to keep up with my blog! But anyways, today, I managed to meet up with my old pals! Aynina and Jodie! And soo, I am here to tell you guys on what we did! Enjoy! Alright, so yesterday (4th December 2016), I had a 'date' with Aynina and Jodie at a shopping mall! Around 12:25, I drove up to Jodie's mom's bakery, which was located around 20 minutes away from where I live. It was honestly very nice to see Jodie again, I haven't seen her since last January, so it was great to see my best bud again :) So then, we shared our experience from our respective schools, while we were on our way to the mall. As we reached to the mall, we rushed our way to MPH, but then we realized that Aynina have not arrived yet lol. But then she did arrive a few seconds after us. And YAY! We were SO happy that we get to see each other again! So first, we decided to just ...

RanDUMB! | Update-ish thingy + Tumblr Meme

Hello! And asslammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Alright, so ehmmmm.....Before I start with anything, I just needed to say... It's honestly very tiring and stressful at a boarding school. I swear, I am confused that I am still alive! O.o I just really want to say sorry for not updating since September,I'll try to update as fast as I can! So now, I'm just gonna do a meme I found on Tumblr, enjoy! 1. Your first OC ever? It was a MLP FC hahahahaaaa. Her name's Heartlight. (BTW, I made this one on 2014 x')                                                                        (This one was done on March ;D) 2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? Hmm, I do not have a personal favourite when it comes to my characters ^^ 3. Have you ever adopted a character o...