Storytime! ~ | Going to Stacy's Home!

Hello! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum.... So, today, I was invited to go to Stacy's home to just, do some Stacy invited our best buds, Violane, Chloe and Jo. It was a bit sad that Erin couldn't join along, because she was at her hometown, and school was comin' up and all. And I'm just home writing this blog while listening to History Maker by Dean Fujioka . (BTW, this is the opening for the anime Yuri!!! On ICE.) Anyway, hope ya'lls enjoy it! ^^ (Divider by ToxiceStea ) Stacy: Hello Me: Wowie, you still save my phone number? :0 Stacy: Yea, I haven't changed my phone, so contacts are still the same. Stacy: Anyway, did you go anywhere for the holidays? Me: Nah, my parents got work. Stacy: Wanna go anywhere with meeee? Me: Sure! Sounds fun! Whom else are joining? Stacy: Idk, I just asked randomly Me: Lolololol (Icon by Voc...