Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Jadi! Hari ni- Whoa hold on. This blog was supposed to be in English! D:<
....Okeylah. Buatlah dalam Bahasa Inggeris T-T
Thank you!
Anyways! I'm done fighting with myself! I just wanted to talk bout' a celebration me and my classmates last month! Hope you guys enjoy!
Alright, so on the 23rd of November (Wednesday), my classmates had the opportunity (and permission from the headmistress) to go to an all-you-can-eat steamboat restaurant! We all each paid RM30 and another RM25 for class T-Shirts! x'D I swear, I hated the T-shirt lolololol Why? Because first, they never allowed me to agree with the T-shirt design, and second, IT WAS PINK!! D:< Now I know what you're gonna say, "But Ainaaaaaa, your blog has the colour pink, and your laptop is pink, an-" Nooooo plis. I just do not like the fact of me wearing anything that is pink on me ^^; The colour doesn't match me loololol
Anyway, on that day, we had to sit in class before 12:30 because we booked our place at 13:30 so before that, people were charging their iPads, some were dancing, some were gossiping, some were singing, some were doing quizzes on BuzzFeed, some were studying and the list goes on and on. Basically, we were all doing our own thing. What was I doing? I was finishing up my Mathematics Slide and talking to my friend Amillia. Afterwards, we had to change into our class T-shirts and go the the restaurant! The thing that made it harder is that it was raining lololol. So that was hard pfft. We had to ride in my class teacher's car and my mathematics teacher's car. There were four batches and I was the third. As we were about to exit the school, my mother's car came hahahahahaa.
I wanted to talk to her, but it was raining, so it was hard to just simply go out the car and talk to her.
So, when we reached there , we get to choose our spots. I sat along with Amillia and we all were so happy! We took so muh fooood hahahahhaa. After a while, Atsuko and Aliesya joined along and we all took photos to remember <3 And then, I started talking about how my old classmates from my old school did a mannequin challenge for their class celebration, and Atsuko thought that it was a good idea for our class to do it. I was just joking around about the thing and I didn't know that Atsuko went to the Ustazah to talk about it :'DDD Aaand, well. Everyone decided that it was a good idea and welp, our class did the mannequin challenge there lololol. It was definitely fun. Our time was supposed to be until 14:30 but we ended up staying there until 15:30 hahahhahahahahahaaa
Before we left, most of my classmates decided to buy some healthy juice after all that delicious seafood, sushi, noodles or whatever. I decided to take some money lololol. As we went backto school, we got to go back to our dorms and sleeeep hahahahaha. I was in fact planning to sleep, but then my friend came to me and wanted to talk about her problems....but that's another story hahahaha
Anyways guys! That was it! I hope you enjoyed reading it!
I'm sorry for late blogs, my brain's been pretty empty...uggghhhh...
But then! 'Till next time!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!
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