Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Hey there everyone! So fun fact about me, I LOVE VOCALOID <3
My favourite is Miku-chan <3 UuU
Anyways! I am about to give you guys facts about VOCALOID!
Hope you all enjoy....:3

MAYU is based over a yandere girl o3o ("Yandere means "Lovestruck")

There are currently 69 VOCALOID characters \OoO/

Ryuto is five years old

Leon and Lola both have British accents :0

KAITO was the first male VOCALOID ever created

“MikuMikuDance” is one of the secret most-popular things on YouTube

Hatsune Miku Merchandises is on EVERYTHING. For realz.

Luka was originally going to be called "Hatsune Miku", prior to the change of concept plans for the Character Vocal series

Kagamine Len and Rin are the first dual voicebanks released with two "VOCALOIDs" in one package.

Crypton's final announcement was that Kagamine Len and Rin were neither siblings nor lovers.

With a total of 15 voicebanks released, Miku has the second highest number of vocals developed for the VOCALOID engine, first being GUMI.

MEIKO was the first VOCALOID to have an official avatar ;D
Welpy welpy welp!
That's some facts about VOCALOID!
I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum...
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