I'm ALIVE?! | Bunch of new stuffs

Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...

F2U Moon devider by annaza0000
(Divider by puqqie)

(Icon by applexpie2)
Roll Icon Base Requested by AchievementHunterXD by ApplexPie2Okay! Wow, so apparently I am still alive! Sorry for the horribly long hiatus, but this is what you get for being in a boarding school T-T. But! I really do promise to update more frequently ;-; But before I start with anything!

I have redesigned my blog!

Roll Icon Base Requested by AchievementHunterXD by ApplexPie2Yep yep! I got bored of looking at it, so I decided to re-edit it! It's not the best, but I am quite satisfied with what I have done ^^ But anyways! It is the holidays, and Insya-Allah, I will post everyday about what progress has been happening in my life ^^  Hmmm, what else..

Roll Icon Base Requested by AchievementHunterXD by ApplexPie2Also, I have just realized that this is my first update in 2017 ;-; I'm really sorry, I really did want to update back then, but my schedule has been killing me recently. Again, I promise to make more updates! 

F2U Moon devider by annaza0000
So I guess that's all for my new update! I'm gonna make a new blog, but it's separated from this one of course!
That's all!

Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!


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