Tip La Tips~ | English Essay Example (Report)

Hey! And assalammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Sooo! I just wanted to share with you guys an essay that my teacher actually gave me a good grade for it! I wanted to share it with you guys so maybe you can get an inspiration out of it, ya know? Here goes nothin'! Question: A group of students had visited an old folk's home. You, as the club's supervisor are required to write a full report of the visit. When writing about the recount, you should: - Recount what happened - Express how you felt - Suggest ways to show appreciation to the elderly - Write between 120 to 150 words. Visit to an Old Folk's Home The Caring Club of Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting (BASIS) had organized a visit to an old folk's home, that is " Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Husna Arrashid" located in Kuala Lumpur on the 1st of October 2017 (Sun...