Tip La Tips~ | English Essay Example (Report)

Hey! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...

Sooo! I just wanted to share with you guys an essay that my teacher actually gave me a good grade for it! I wanted to share it with you guys so maybe you can get an inspiration out of it, ya know? Here goes nothin'!

Question: A group of students had visited an old folk's home. You, as the club's supervisor are required to write a full report of the visit.

When writing about the recount, you should:
      - Recount what happened
      - Express how you felt
      - Suggest ways to show appreciation to the elderly
      - Write between 120 to 150 words.

Visit to an Old Folk's Home

               The Caring Club of Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting (BASIS) had organized a visit to an old folk's home, that is "Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Husna Arrashid" located in Kuala Lumpur on the 1st of October 2017 (Sunday). There were six lucky students that were involved with this program along with two teachers whom become supervisors of the trip itself. We were all required to gather up at around 12.30 o'clock at the school's lobby. We departed 10 minutes after.

               The purpose on why we had decided to held this activity is because we wanted to spread joy on the elderly's faces. Since they were sent to a nursing home, they cannot deny the fact that they could feel a bit left out because their children's now have their own families. They do not receive that much attention, possibly making them feeling desolated, which we are trying to avoid that emotion from sparking inside them. Not only that, but I am positive that they would enjoy our company as it could reminiscence their moments with their kids when they were our age. Our goal for today is to make sure that we leave that place with a joyous expression plastered on their faces.

               We managed to arrive at the spot around 1:00 p.m. without anything holding us back. As we went out of the bus, we can already see the the sparkle shining in their eyes. We felt extremely grateful of the fact that we managed to become the solace in their old age. Not to lie, you can see our face filled with excitement when our teacher told us that we were allowed to do any sort of activities with them, as long at it matches their age requirement. We are all ecstatic about the activities we were about to do on that day, and we won't even waste a minute of it.

               One out of the six, and that is Syafeeq was playing chess with one of the elderly, who wished to be known as Pak Man. Not to mention that Syafeeq is actually a member of the chess club back in school. Although, Syafeeq confessed that he felt challenged when he found out that Pak Man was no ordinary man. Apparently, Pak Man is an experienced and talented chess player back in his schooling days as he used to participate in competitions levels as high as national's. Truthfully, Syafeeq did felt a bit yellow-eyed about this fact, but he took a positive outreach by thinking that if Pak Man could've done it, then why can't he?

               Next, there was Amyra who had interviewed a sweet and lovely senior with the name Puan Ain about her life back then. She told Amyra that this interview definitely a trip down in memory lane for her. Amyra did manage to scoop out the good information about her, and that is that she used to win the Prime Minister's Trophy twice for her school's debate team and that she was a former head prefect in an all-girls fully residential school. Not to end her interview there but she gave out some tips for us out there who are in a fully residential school on how to survive it.

                And as for the rest of us, we decided to listen to two of the eldest senior citizens in the nursing home, and that is Pak Bakar and Pak Zulkipli. Referring to what they told us, they had known each other since they they were out of their mother's womb. They had shared to us about their sufferings during World War II. By the way they explained sure did sent chills down our spines. They told us about how cruel the Japanese army would use their inhumane ways of torturing people, like forcing them to eat a bar of soap, or how they dug up females, then how both of them managed to suffer this hellish lifestyle, and how they found a way of surviving and escaping. As they told us that they were suffering all this during our age did gave us goosebumps.

               It was quite saddening that we had to leave this place so soon. We will never forget the blissful smile that we had created on that day. We do hope that we had created a memorable day for these old folk's and it sure did created some space in out hearts, making it a red letter day for all of us. We do hope that we receive a send chance to visit another nursing home or even an orphanage in the near future.

Report by:
Sew Ling Ngoh
(Sew Ling Ngoh)
Caring Club,
Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting.

There we go! Hope this can help any of you!
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!


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