Short Story! | The Misadventures of Chloe and Sarah!

Hello! And asslammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...

So, my dear friend Chloe requested me to do a another story about us, so I did!
Because I love my beat friend so much <3
Anyway, hope you enjoy!

The Misadventures of Chloe and Sarah!

We're both in our home. Chloe's there in the kitchen trying to figure out what to cook for both of us in her chef hat with a really goofy-looking apron that writes; "Kiss me, I'm a chef", while I'm just sitting on the couch like a dude, reading a book titled; "The Life of a Penguin". Gunther wrote this. Don't ask me why.

"Hey Sarah, I made you an omelette and sausages. Come on, let's have some lunch dude." I immediately marked my book, closed it, and walked to our table to enjoy the meal that Chloe had made for me. I took a bite of both the omelette and sausage at the same time. Let me tell you this, it was A-MA-ZING. I wish I could cook like her. For reals. "Why are you reading the book Gunther wrote? I don't understand what's so good about it." She asked me while taking a couple of bites of the meal she made for herself. "I don't know tbh, all it wrote was "I get scolded by the Ice King, I don't listen, destroy everything he loves, repeat it all again." It's kinda funny, but yet those were the only words." She gave me a very confusing look, and decided to change the topic lol.

We started chatting about random things, like swords, future possibilities, yaddy yadda yaaaa. After our breakfast, I took both of our plates and washed it. Chloe walked over to the counter with all the spices, coffee beans and such and decided to make some tea. As she was making it, there was a knock on our door. I placed the dishes in the cabinet and dried my hands with the cloth near the sink and walked over to the door. As I opened the door, it was Finn and Jake! "Hey Sarah! Are you and Chloe busy today?" Jake asked me while stretching himself into my height. I told him that we were absolutely free, and Finn started to smile and said: "THAT'S GREAT! We wanted to invite you guys to a dungeon adventure! I heard this really cool treasure at the end pf the cave that everyone has been DYING to get, and-" Before Finn can even finish his sentence, Chloe ran up from behind and grabbed my shoulders from behind and said; "YES! YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THE CRYSTAL PENDENT AREN'T YOU?!" Finn squealed and both started to jump together. Me and Jake we both just smirking at how cute these two were aww.

Me and Chloe both went to our rooms to change. I wore my yellow T-Shirt that I won after a wrestling battle with Muscle Princess. It had a pattern of a star and it had the words saying "I am awesome." While wearing a indigo coloured skirt with black leggings up until my knees. I wore a pair of socks and the red sneakers that Chloe gave me on my birthday a couple years ago. I took my trusty brown duffle bag and stuffed a spell book Bubblegum gave me, a first aid kit and my trusty dagger.

Chloe wore her black hoodie jacket with a plain turquoise coloured shirt inside. She wore her grey coloured track pants and had white socks on with the same red sneakers I have on. I'm guessing that she has her sword in her bag, because she loves her sword, A LOT! After all that preparation, we walked outside outside of our home to the dungeon that hold the crystal pendant.

As we reached the dungeon located in Sand Kingdom, we had to figure out on how to get inside of it, and we found a cactus not so far away from the dungeon with a very un-similar-looking spike-like leaves. It looked thicker than all the other cactuses. Jake went closer to it, and pulled down the spike that seemed the was a lever! On the ground, it opened up stairs leading downwards with cobwebs on the sealing.

The four of us went down and found a stick and we asked Sarah to cast one of the spells in the book Bubblegum gave her to create fire. Let me tell you this, Sarah is basically a wizard, but she prefers herself as "A human who cheats with a book to create magic." Wooow. Veerry creative Sarah. After having a bit of light, we walked deeper into the dungeon and suddenly, BAM!

A bunch of skeleton army comes to attack us! Finn and I took out our swords and Sarah took out her dagger and WOOSH! We all attacked them! Sarah attacked a bunch of skeletons at the same time by running and stabbing them all through the stomach. Jake stretched him into a giant-like-mattress and squished a small group of skeletons. I chopped of a couple of skeletons by dicing and slicing them up! And Finn does the same, but does like a 360° style. We all high fived each other and continued walking deep into the dungeon.

There were so many cobwebs and oh gosh it was annoying. It was stuck to my hair ewww. After a while, we were SO CLOSE to the pendent! I can see it's shining beauty. When we got closer, a ghost came up to us and stopped us. "iF yOU wISH tO cONTINUE, oNE oF yOU mUST tRADE mE yOUR sOUL, oR nOT, yOU aLL wILL dIE!" We all were shocked!

We all couldn't sacrifice each other, we're a loyal team! "HEY GHOST! THERE'S NO WAY WE'RE TRADING OUR SOUL FOR YOU! WE'RE ALL A TEAM! WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO MY BUTT!" The team laughed, but the ghost got so furious, as he was about to attack me with an ice ball,  Sarah came up running towards my way and blocks it from attacking me! she got hit so hard that she was thrown off to the edge of the dungeon! I got furious as heck and took Sarah's spell book, crying and chanting all the words to make a ghost disappear! "EAT MAGIC YOU JERK!"

Before it even manages to attack me, it disappeared. I...I did it. It's gone. Quickly, I ignored the pendent and ran to Sarah. She looked so pale, and her body looks so weak..."S...Sarah? Please....please wake up..." I started to hold Sarah in my hands, hoping that she'll wake up....

I notice both Finn and Jake were crying. After a while, they both came up to Sarah and joined in my hug. She's....she's m-moving?!

Ughh.....I feel like poop. My stomach hurts, my hands feel like jelly, and...everyone's....hugging me? Oh my god! They're all crying?! But why?! What the glob happened?! I looked at Chloe and she was smiling, so widely, and so were Finn and Jake. "S-Sarah, y-you're alive! Why would you do that?! You scared me to death!" "Wh-WHAT?! What DID I do?!" "S-Sarah, you'd rather hurt yourself rather than seeing me get hurt. You took the steal for me, if it weren't for you, I would've died. I..." She started crying, and hugged me. "I can never ask for someone else that you. You are my absolute best friend." I...I...I had no words.

Something wet dripped down my cheeks, oh glob I'm crying. I stood up, a bit wobbly, but I smiled at Chloe. "Don't worry, I'm here for you forever." I grinned at her. "Now come on, let's get that pendant!" Chloe smiled and we both walked off to the pendent and took the pendent, and it was shining! Whoa....

It broke into two and it was place onto our necks. Whoa! I have fire powers?! And Chloe has water powers! Damn! These pendant gave us cool powers! We both just smiled and joked around with our cool magic and thanked both Finn and Jake for that cool adventure, and we went to our homes.

I was practicing my water magic with a dummy outside our home, keep shooting water ninja stars it's SO COOL! Sarah's upstairs, in her room. I think she's looking back at our photo album.

I used my water magic to go to the window of her room. "Hey loser, can I tag along?" She just smiled and showed the book.

"Hey look! It's when we got genderswapped!"

Alright! That's all! Thank you for reading!
I hope you like it Chloe!! <333

Goodbye! And asslammualaikum!


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