Tip La Tips ~ | How To Know If You Have Found Your Best Friend

Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...

Alright, so I got this question anonymously from my class. I'm assuming it's one of my classmates, because they are the only ones who knows that I have a blog.

"Hello there "____", (My name bueheheheee) I have been here for a while, and there's this one person, and she's been awfully kind to me ever since I started schooling here, and it's very kind and all, and I wanted to ask you, how do I know if she is my best friend? Sorry if my English is a bit broken, and I know this is a bit creepy...but I really wanted to know! Thank you so soo much!"

Alright, I guess I'll give you a couple of things I do know!
Hope it'll help!

How To Know If You Have Found Your Best Friend.

1.) The first person you'll call when you're in trouble.
  • For reals thou. When you conquered something horrible like, you just had a bad break up with a dude for a very long period of time, but then the first thing that comes up in your mind is: "I need comfort from (insert your friend's name). They would be the first person that comes up in mind.
2.) They will hate the person you hate.
  • Even if they no idea who the hell that person is, or why you hate them, they'll hate them as well. Why? Because they hate anyone who hates their best friend. No matter what.
3.) You do not have to look perfect around them.
  • I am serious. You can show up wearing just underwear and a t-shirt to their home, and they won't give a crap about it. In fact, whatever it is, you don't have to even take care of your manners around them, dress nicely or whatever! Just be you, and they love you!
4.) You got each other's back.
  • Oh wow you had a nice comforting chat with your best friend then suddenly you hear a jerkface talking crap about your best friend. You hunt them down and went up to them and told them that if they ever mess or talk crap about that person once again, you will break ever single one of their bones. If someone is talking bad things about your best friend, you instantly feel the urge of anger rising up inside yourself, they are DEFINITELY your best friend.
5.) Your family just loves em.
  • You guys are basically family at that point. Your family would always ask you about how they are, because they care about them as well, and you guys basically treat each other like two little sibz awww
6.) They are those people who makes you smile when you felt like you never want to smile ever again.
  • Whatever, whenever and whereever you two are, they are always there to support you. They cannot stand to see their best friend in a bad situation, they hate it. They will try their absolute best to make you feel awesome again.
7.) You feel secure 
  • You understand that you do not have to spend every single minute with them. You ca hang out with other people with ease without making them feeling a tad bit of jealously.
8.) You can speak up your mind
  • You don’t sugar coat things just to make it sound better. Both of you can share each other’s opinions without being offended, and value what the other has to say.
9.) You get each other's weirdness
  • Anytime you do something stupid, they do not tell you to stop being embarrassing but in fact, they join in with you just to not let you be weird all alone. Act as stupid, they get you.
10.) You legit know whenever something's up
  • You’re best friend has gotten quite good at telling when you’re all out of sorts. It’s almost scary! They’ve sussed it out, and all the lying and covering up in the world does nothing to hide the reality that you aren’t yourself.
11.) They do not judge you

  • You just ate, yet you said you were hungry, and then suddenly that person just ordered pizza for you. You wore pajamas to school. You wore a Christmas sweater in June, WHATEVER! They would NEVER judge you! 
12.) People would always question you this question:
  • "Why aren't you hanging out with (your friend's name)?"or "Where's (your friend's name)?"
13.) You have told every single one of your secrets just because you trust them.
  • You have no secrets hidden from them. No matter if it is freaky, sad or happy secret, you have told them already.
14.) You make time for each other.
  • You will.
15.) You never EVER want to lose that person.
  •  Like legit, you just CANNOT. They are basically that person who is always going to be there for you and such that you cannot just let them be gone just like that. You will do anything, whatever it takes to make sure they stay fine. Because they are your person. 
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(Credit:: www.tumblr.com)

"You are my person, and you will forever be my person."
"A friend is like a four leaf clover. Hard to find, worth to have."
"I like you because you joined in my weirdness"
"I can never ask for another person else than you." 
"I will kill you if you hurt her."
"Shut up."... .. ....    .. .. . . . . . .. ... . . . . .."I love you too"

Alright! That's all! I hope you guys know something!
Anyways, this blog is dedicated to a friend of mine, Chloe!
She's legit been there for me in every situation I swear to god, even if we are far away.
Thank you Chloe, I love you gurl <3

Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!


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