Hello! And assalammualaikum...
Hai! Dan assalammualaikum...
Ooookay, so first things first... I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT BLOGGING IN LIKE, FOREVER?! I have been busy with so much school work, (+I'm in boarding school, remember?) But, this week, I have been SICK for the WHOLE WEEK oh my globs. I had a fever and a sore throat the whole week, I swear to god. THOU! I did found a really good song hahahaha. It's "All The Way" by Schmoyoho. It's on JackSepticEye's YouTube channel and it's SO good! Plus, I am a HUGE fan of JSE <3
Oh glob I'm talking too much oops. Anyway, my blog for today is about things that people do that ANNOYS me, or basically my 10 pet peeves. Hope you guys will enjoy!
My 10 Pet Peeves.

Alright, first things first, is
people who takes too much selfies of themselves and post it in any social media. Like, for reals. Those type of people are SO annoying to me. Like, I remember once just scrolling through my Instagram and the whole hour was that same particular person, posing selfies of themselves, but they're all the same, only with different captions -_-''. Like, don't post too much, to me, it seems like you need attention by adding so many photos of yourself.

Next, is people
who talk to me about the same person/topic. Like, imagine you had an amazing achievement in your life, and you tried talking it out to a person. At first, they would congratulate you, but not more than a minutes, they change the topic into a specific human that they like or a thing they have been obsessing with. I find it SO annoying, especially when they choose you to always talk about it.

Afterwards is when that person
cannot make up their mind. At all. Like seriously. Imagine once, you two were talking about a person, and they suddenly say that they do not wish to be their friend anymore because they say that they are the cause of their life being crap, and then after a few hours, they tell you that the same person was the person who makes their life better. Like, W H A T. This person confuses me A lot.

At number four, we have those people
who complain in social media, and doesn't wish to tell their SPECIFIC problem. Like, imagine scrolling through your wall in Facebook, then suddenly there's a person who posts "UGH. This may be the WORST day of my life! Like, UUUUUGHHHHHH." and when you ask them "What's Up?" they answer back by saying this to you. "GEEZ. Can't you just leave me alone?! It's not like I want to talk about it or whatever!" Like. What.

Number 5, is those
type of peeps who gets mad at you over the dumbest reasons. Like, I remember someone bashes out on me because of not remembering their birthday...Like....I don't even remember my own birthday, how do you expect ME to remember YOUR birthday?

Next, is when
I ask them a simple answer, but they answer back something else really long and has NOTHING to do with the question I asked. Like, I remember asking a person "What are your opinion on cats?" And suddenly they started ranting about how dogs are better...excuse me..?!

Afterwards, is when
I text someone something, they reply, and after I reply once more time, they flat out ignore me. Like I just say "Hey wat'chu doin?" And they say "Owh nothing just chilling" and I say "That's awesome, anything else?" And then they completely ignore me. And even if you have something to do at least tell me "I have to do something, BRB" or something. PLEASE do not flat out ignore me in a text conversation, it's just annoying.

little kiddos who disrespects me, even if I was older than them. Look, I'm not saying that if you are younger than me, you have to respect me as a leader or whatever. You can always be a good/close friend of mine, even if you are younger than me! But, when you disrespect me too much, it can be annoying. Like, we have that border of joking around, you cannot pass that.

Number 9,
those people who randomly tickle me. Okay look, I am a VERY ticklish person okay? Alright, we got that covered. I hate it on how some people who knows I am very ticklish, and they tend to tickle me out of no where. Like, WHY DO YOU EVEN..?!?!?!

And finally, those people whose grammar is just....I dunno man. Especially online. This is why I love Jacksfilms "Your Grammar Sucks" series <3
That's all!
Don't get offended you guys! I'm not saying my life is perfect or whatever! Everyone has their pet peeves, or you being someone's pet peeve. I know there's someone who thinks of me as one of their pet peeves.
Goodbye! And assalammualaikum!
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