Short Story! | The Misadventures Of Mike And Amir!

Hello! And asslammualaikum... Hai! Dan assalammualaikum... Alright, so me and Chloe introduced each other to our gender swap selves, and I decided to write a short little story about these two! Hope you enjoy! CHLOE'S POV; "Hey Chloe? Why do you think these boys always want to ask us out?" Asked Sarah. Both me and Sarah had been friends for a very long time, seemed like forever. We have been searchin for adventure ever since we can remember. "I wish I knew, they're not even I was hoping that Finn asks me out, to be honest" Sarah lets out a little giggle, she knows that I have a MASSIVE crush on Finn, who doesn't live too far from us. Suddenly, after a while.....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! A loud crash coming close to our home! "OH MY GLOB! What the flipping swords was that?!" We both ran towards the direction of the crashing sound, and we saw....a crystal? It was shiny, very shiny. "Should somethi...